Promoting National Unity with DeliverMe TT

In Trinidad and Tobago, we have a multicultural society. This diversity has traditionally been one of our greatest strengths. We have all sung the words of our national anthem which says “every creed and race finds an equal place.” We recently noted, however, through social media and other channels, many inflammatory and violent tirades, offensive behaviors, and messages of hatred for each other being spewed. As such, as a responsible corporate entity, we take this opportunity to clarify our stance on the same.
Our rideshare service, DeliverMe TT, has a diverse base of drivers, coming from varying ethnicities and backgrounds. This strong team welcomes and serves the public daily in transporting people and packages from doorstep to doorstep. One of our core values is to solemnly uphold our national anthem founding words – inequality and racism will not be tolerated in any form. As such, to help our riders feel comfortable we outline the following operating policy guidelines for your awareness: –

Promoting National Unity Discrimination

We have established corporate mandate to maintain strong core values that truly reflect the philosophy.

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